End-User License Agreement

Updated: October 23, 2023

This agreement contains the main terms of legal relations of participants of crowdfunding services provided on the Mount Liberty platform, and is a public offer. We, as an Agent of international investment companies, the list and information about which are presented on our Website, through the proposed services allow you to become a participant in investment activities on leading crypto platforms with the use of artificial intelligence. The user's commission of implicative actions means acceptance of this offer on the terms defined by this agreement.

The End-User License Agreement is deemed to be concluded and becomes effective for the parties from the moment the user performs the last of the specified implicative actions: registering a personal account on the Website, depositing funds for placement in crowdfunding activities under the selected program in the manner and on the terms defined by the Mount Liberty marketing plan. Acceptance of The End-User License Agreement means acceptance of all the terms of this agreement without any excemptions, exceptions or limitations of its validity in time and space, after which the user is referred to as the Partner.

I. Registration

  • 1.1. In order to use the marketing resources and services of Mount Liberty, the person concerned shall complete the registration procedure on the official Website, as well as make a deposit. The Partner chooses the deposit amount independently, but it cannot be lower than the minimum threshold.
  • 1.2. The Partner guarantees that the Partner has reached the age of 18, is not limited in capacity, has the legal right to participate in crowdfunding activities, the opportunity of which is provided on the Mount Liberty platform, has no restrictions and prohibitions on carrying out activities in the field of cryptocurrency and building his own business structure.
  • 1.3. The Partner hereby declares and guarantees that Mount Liberty will not be used by the Partner for purposes that contravene to the fundamentals of the legal order, for any criminal, illegal or prohibited purposes in accordance with the established norms and rules of the current jurisdiction, including but not limited to activities related to illegal money laundering, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, human trafficking, terrorism, extremism, fraud, tax evasion, and other illegal actions, both in their own interests and through the mediation of third parties.
  • 1.4. The Partner undertakes not to transfer his registration data, as well as identification data for access to the personal account and to protect them from third parties, keep secure the logins and passwords entered by him in the personal account.
  • 1.5. In case of suspicion of unlawful use of the registration data, login and/ or password, the Partner undertakes to immediately change these data to stop the unlawful use or its possible unlawful use.
  • 1.6. The Administration retains the right to restrict or completely terminate access to the personal account of any Partner who violates this agreement, as well as the Partner who has stated unreliable information in personal data, or who has not informed about changes in personal data within the prescribed period. We also retain the right to transfer the Partner's data and IP address to the aggrieved party or their legal representative, if any have arisen as a result of the Partner's unlawful use of Mount Liberty services.
  • 1.7. The Administration has the right to request additional information to identify the Partner, as well as to suspend the use of the services in case of refusal to provide such information, or its discrepancy in the identification of the Partner.

III. Subject of the agreement

  • 2.1. At the conclusion of this agreement, the Partner has the right to use all marketing tools for crowdfunding activities, to build their own business structure, invest their own and invite investments, receive investment income, sell their structure through the internal marketplace in the manner and on the grounds set forth by the rules of the online medium and the services provided.
  • 2.2. All the basic conditions of Mount Liberty marketing programs stated on our official website can be used in personal accounts, as well as on the basis of separate investment and agency agreements concluded in connection with participation in crowdfunding activities.
  • 2.3. All information about the accrued income from the Partner's activities, turnover, the number of active partners in the current business structure and the total turnover of the entire structure, investment deadlines, as well as other current information on crowdfunding activities is displayed in the Partner's personal account.
  • 2.4. The Administration notifies that the use of the Internet may be unsafe. We are not responsible for any damage caused by hackers, Internet scammers and other persons as a result of interception, loss, or modification of any information transmitted over the Internet when using the services under this Agreement. The Administration takes all reasonable actions to ensure the security and confidentiality of digital information when providing services and using the platform's services, as well as to prevent and neutralize cyberattacks on the Partner's personal account.

III. Terms of use of our services.

  • 3.1. Mount Liberty grants a non-exclusive right to use the Website, intellectual and IT capabilities of the Website for crowdfunding and investment activities and building their own business structure.
  • 3.2. The Partner's income depends on the amount of investments and the intense activity of their business structure, which determine the Partner's status and profitability. The cost of servicing the Partner is set by the selected marketing plan and the status of the Partner. Commissions, hidden deductions, payment for services that are not stipulated by agreements and conditions of the status are not calculated and are not charged. The cost of exchanging cryptocurrencies is determined by the tariffs of the partners supporting the provision of the relevant service, and is determined on the day of the exchange operation.
  • 3.3. The Partner hereby confirms the awareness of the risks associated with operations on the global financial markets, as well as on the cryptocurrency and crypto-funding markets, their liquidity, systemic risks, political and economic turmoil, operational risks, awareness of the nature of activities related to the use of the Mount Liberty platform, and assumes responsibility for possible ensuing of consequences, taking into account the limit of responsibility of the Administration, the adverse consequences of which are assigned to Mount Liberty in accordance with the terms of the agreements concluded between the parties.

IV. Liability of the parties

  • 4.1. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete non-fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement if this non-fulfillment was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement, or if the non-fulfillment of obligations by the Parties under the Agreement was the result of extraordinary events that the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures. Force majeure circumstances include events that a Party cannot influence and for the occurrence of which a Party is not responsible, including: war, uprising, strike, earthquake, flood, other natural disasters, fire, power supply failures that occurred through no fault of the Parties, actions and acts of authorities adopted after the conclusion of an Agreement making it impossible to fulfill the obligations established by the Agreement, and other unforeseen circumstances and events and phenomena beyond the control of the parties, but not limited to the above.
  • 4.2. The Partner is held fully liable for the accuracy of the information provided by the Partner during registration, as well as for compliance with the norms of the current and applicable legislation governing the legal relations of the Parties.
  • 4.3. This Agreement is concluded, executed and interpreted in accordance with the jurisdiction of the location of Mount Liberty. The recognition of any provision of this Agreement as invalid and null and void does not entail the recognition of other provisions of the Agreement as invalid and and null and void.
  • 4.4. The Partner is held liable for the safety and confidentiality of the logins and passwords entered by the Party during registration in the personal account. Mount Liberty is not held liable for losses that may arise due to unauthorized use of Partner accounts, but will take all measures to preserve the rights and legitimate interests of the Partner. All actions performed using the Partner's login and passwords are considered carried out by the Partner only.
  • 4.5. The Partner undertakes, on their own and at their own expense, to resolve disputes and settle claims of third parties arising from third parties with the Partner, or to compensate for losses caused to Mount Liberty in connection with claims and lawsuits, the basis of which were illegal actions of the Partner within the framework of the execution of this Agreement. If the Partner's actions were the basis for the submission of orders to Mount Liberty by state authorities, the Partner undertakes to immediately assist us in the settlement of the administrative requirements, as well as to reimburse all losses (including the costs of paying fines).

V. Dispute settlement procedure

  • 5.1. In case of disputes and/or disagreements between the parties arising from this Agreement, the parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations between themselves by sending each other letters of claim.
  • 5.2. The claim letter is made in writing and contains the applicant's claims, the amount of the claim and its reasonable calculation, if the claim is subject to monetary assessment, the circumstances on which the Party bases the claims, and the time period provided for responding to the claim (but not more than 15 days). The claim is sent by mail (by registered mail), by e-mail or is handed over against a receipt.
  • 5.3. In case of a complete or partial refusal to satisfy a claim, the response to the claim shall indicate the justified reasons for refusal with reference to the relevant circumstances justifying the refusal. The response to the claim is sent in writing by mail (by registered mail), by e-mail or delivered against receipt.
  • 5.4. In case of complete or partial refusal to satisfy the claim, actual dissatisfaction with the claim or failure to receive a response to the claim in time, the dispute or disagreement shall be submitted for consideration and final resolution in court.

VI. Final provisions.

  • 6.1. This Agreement commence from the date of its acceptance by the Partner, in accordance with the procedure provided for in the preamble and Article 1 of the Agreement, and is concluded for the period of use of marketing tools and the Mount Liberty platform in its activities.
  • 6.2. Mount Liberty held the liability to unilaterally terminate this agreement in the following cases:
    - the Partner has not notified of any changes of personal information within 5 (five) calendar days from the date of commencement of such changes;
    - The Partner violates the terms of this Agreement, as well as the applicable law.
    In this case, the Agreement is considered terminated from the moment the relevant notification is sent to the Partner.
  • 6.3. Amendments and additions to this Agreement may be made by Mount Liberty unilaterally by posting on the official website, and commence from the moment the information is posted on the Website.